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7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
7 years from now Game Screenshot
More7 years ago, I lost my memories... But there is one promise I can never forget-- "I'll be waiting for you, 7 years from now..." A promise with someone I have no recollection of To find the missing pieces of my memory And to fulfill my promise I made that day I came back to this town-- ------------------------------------------------------ Game Explanation ------------------------------------------------------ ▼Story The main character has lost his memories from a certain incident 7 years ago. The story starts with him coming back to his hometown during the spring break. ▼What kind of game is it? It is a story-based RPG game. There is no combat in this game. ▼Is it free to play? This game is completely free to play until the end. There are no limitations or restrictions in terms in place. ※There are certain purchasable post-story content available.

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69 Ratings
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Players are saying...

  • 📖️ The story is captivating and worth playing.
  • 💔️ Doesn't need fancy graphics to win hearts.
  • 😢️ The game can feel heavy and depressing.



7 years from now
7 years from now
The best story game in entire android game library.
7 years from now
7 years from now
This game is the pure definition to say that someone doesn't need graphics, gameplay or huge AAA stuff to win someone's heart. This game is the best Visual novel interactive game that I have play. This game will and absolutely make you cry it's really depressing
memers brain
7 years from now
7 years from now
I've played this before, its not really a game in my opinion but more of an interactive story. The story is so good and pretty much worth the price.
7 years from now
7 years from now
Very nice story
7 years from now
7 years from now
Would play again haven't finished the first time
This Account
7 years from now
7 years from now
Its worth every second
Safwan Khan
7 years from now
7 years from now
Plot twist after plot twist. I thought this was going to be a quick story, but it's a full length story with such god writing. I love the setting, I love the premise. The music is absolutely moving, playing with sound is a MUST. Love all the characters, everything. Everything about this game is amazing
7 years from now
7 years from now
Beautiful Game. I guess it's all done hahaha, i really wanted to still play this game but it's done. I'll play this game again 7 YEARS FROM NOW.
7 years from now
7 years from now
so. i want to cry but i cant. this story, this. amazing in every way, it hit too close to dejavu home. you losing your memories while having that promise from an dead girl 7 years ago. it really hit too close to home.
7 years from now
7 years from now
I played this many years ago and this was the only game that brought out a few tears. 😢🥹 I recommend it to everyone because it is a very nice, emotional and sad story, I think many others will have brought tears to the eyes. 😢 Nk23~

Simply beautiful 🥹
