Masmorras de Dreadrock
Christoph Minnameier
MaisDesbrave o seu caminho através de 100 níveis feitos à mão nas profundezas antigas da Dreadrock Mountain. "É super criativo" (IGN) "Uma obra-prima" (WATSON) "Lindo design" (PURENINTENDO) "Algo realmente especial" (MACWORLD)
Masmorras de Dreadrock
Extremely good game, has witty jokes for the fun of it, single player experience, you can compete the whole game without pay to win in like 4 days
Downsides: no continuity (i replay it maybe once a year) outside of pc version (where you get to speedrun
The mobile version tries to insert an ad after every single level, even in "combined levels" (where a few levels after connected to a single scenario)