Início>Jogos>Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Captura de Tela do Jogo Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Captura de Tela do Jogo Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Captura de Tela do Jogo Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Captura de Tela do Jogo Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Captura de Tela do Jogo Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Captura de Tela do Jogo Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game
Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game

Reversi (Othello) - strategy board game

MaisReversi is strategy board game for 2 players, you can play this games versus other player or versus your iPhone. Game is played on 10*10 board and goal of game is to have most tiles of your color at end of game.

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