Início>Jogos>Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Captura de Tela do Jogo Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro

Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro

MaisPixel Gun 3D é um jogo de tiro FPS online retrô divertidíssimo. Baixe o jogo divirta-se em um lindo jogo de ação com artística pixelada, jogabilidade competitivo e muito mais: 🔫 1000+ armas para escolher * 40 dispositivos e ferramentas úteis 🕹️ 10 modos de jogo diversos 🎮 10 minigames empolgantes 🏰 100+ lindos mapas que se alternam ao longo do ano 💀 Campanha de sobrevivência com zumbis 👑 NOVOS CLÃS 👑 Jogos 3D para jogar com seus amigos, alcançar as melhores divisões com seu clã e ganhar grandes recompensas de jogo. Jogue, melhore e personalize o seu Forte para resistir a Cercos de JxA e crie um tanque poderoso para atacar fortes de outros clãs no jogo. ⚔️ PARTICIPE DE GUERRAS DE CLÃS! ⚔️ Conquiste territórios, controle o gigantesco mapa global, colete pontos de bravura e cobre impostos de suas terras para vencer a guerra neste jogo de tiro online. 🗡️ CENTENAS DE ARMAS NESTE JOGO DE TIRO 3D MARAVILHOSO 🗡️ São mais de 800 armas diferentes em Pixel Gun 3D, e você pode usar todas elas nos jogos multiplayer! Quer usar uma espada ou escudo medieval? Ou, quem sabe, um Gerador de Matéria Escura? Você pode! E não se esqueça das granadas... 😎 VISUAIS DE JOGO INCRÍVEIS👽 Que tal jogar de Orc, um Esqueleto, uma poderosa Amazona ou qualquer outra pessoa? Ostente sua aparência com visuais e trajes detalhadíssimos neste jogo de tiros. Ou crie seu próprio visual no Editor de Visual. 👾 MODOS DE JOGO 👾 Jogos Multiplayer, Battle Royale, Raides, Duelos... São tantas possibilidades de jogos de tiro para você se desafiar! Sem falar nas disputas alternadas semanais... 🎲 MINIJOGOS 🎲 Cansou de ser o melhor no campo de batalha neste jogo de tiro online? Está na hora de participar de competições e exibir suas habilidades e armas para os melhores guerreiros de jogos 3D do mundo. Torneio de Franco-atirador, Desafio de Parkour, Corrida do Planador e outros jogos multiplayer estão espera de um herói! Acompanhe as novidades do jogo: Facebook: 🔗link YouTube: 🔗link Suporte: [email protected]

Avaliações & Comentários

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193 Avaliações
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Jogadores estão dizendo...

  • 👍️ Este é meu jogo favorito de todos os tempos; a jogabilidade e a variedade de modos são divertidas.
  • 🎮️ É um jogo muito bom e me tornei um profissional aqui.
  • 😡️ Algumas armas são muito poderosas; os desenvolvedores deveriam removê-las.


Mais Recente

Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Shit ass cash-grab game with lazy and irresponsible devs. I just lost my 4yr account progress with a lot of time and patience expended on it, out of nowhere. Even after I tried so hard to get help and recovery it, those mfs say they can't do shit about it, cause it's a problem that not even they can solve it. How the fuck you can't resolve a issue with your own game, your own game?!?! Context: Re-install Pg3d on 𝗺𝘆 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲, open the game and it's all gone, im lvl 1 again without nothing, no coins, no gems, no legendary or mythical weapons. The game was saved in my Google Play Games account, but somehow this didn't happen in.
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Kinda of laggy for my device but I like the gameplay and how many modes there are like mini games and campaign levels it's soo fun to play I can even use a Ps5 controller to my ipad it's excellent
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
It's been a long time playing pixel gun. I still remember when i could actually play the game, but now, the graphics have gotten better to the point where I'm just a mythical gun collector. Had some fun, good, bad, toxic and some moments i wouldn't tell to save myself. I've met my best pals and gals on this game, i personally don't care where this game will go, I'll always remember it. But i can't lie, over the past few years its gone downhill, p2w as fuck like a fucking gacha game at this point. Whatever p2w features you've seen is most likely within the game. It is sad, but what are you gonna do? The game no longer has original guns, but guns now based off of popular creators and shows. It was different from the start and now it's starting to look like every other game.
Does it seem like there hasn't been a huge change in the battle royale genre on mobile in a long time? It's not just your imagination. PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, and Fortnite have been the main players in the mobile battle royale space for years, and it doesn't seem like anyone else can make a dent. In the video above, we dive into the history of mobile battle royale games and try to determine just why it is that the genre seems stuck and whether there's any hope for the future. Check it out and let us know in the comments if there are any mobile battle royales you've been playing that you think we should check out.

What the heck is going on with battle royale games on mobile?

Dogshit cash grab hellish p2w game. Compare the game now to the older days like from 2019-2015 and saying it is better than it was is like hearing a kid telling a joke from tiktok, trust me i have played since the start and it was greater than now. Like the thing that will decide your fate in public games (which is the grinding side or the game) are the weapons. No matter how god you are like your average kills in private pool is 75+ using "3catspam" ofc (this is pretty much a side of the competitive playground of this game and by getting an average of 75+ frags in a competitive match, the player has to be INCREDIBLY SKILL), if your guns suckass then it'll unlikely that you will have a good and fair grinding journey. I mean you use your weapons to grind right? But because of that it results that you can't play the game in joys UNLESS you spent your money on this minecraft unoriginal shooting game. If you ask what makes the game addicting then i'll always answer it's the competitive of the game, i bet you'll be familiar with the term "3catspam" fast when you see how the pros play. Like i had procrastinated my quitting many times in the past but because i was soo addicted to the game to the point where i was soo great at the game, i decided to not to do that. Later, i couldn't even quit the game, when i felt like i had done with this game, i felt it pulled me back. But recently like at August 2022, the scene of the competitive side was at it worst  , also thanks to the developers "amazing" works i managed to quit the game without any regrets. Crazy on how such a thing can be soo addicting and yet the developers don't and won't ever notice to put work for improvements. I started to play this game in 2015 btw and ye those are my words.
Hello guys, it's me and today I will be talking about Pixel Gun 3D. It is great. The name definitely matches how the game looks like, because it is a Pixel, 3D and Shooting (Gun) game. Characters are the best. Graphics and Content kind of need little work. JUST KIDDING! It doesn't. The maps also match the name. Weapons... Not great but some are perfect. I like how most offers are cheap. It feels like I'm just spending money little by little. It's good that they give us rewards if we subscribe to there channel they put in the mail.

Talking about Pixel Gun 3D

Tua Time
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Action shooting games are very fun to play. Its core attraction is that you can shoot guns and play against strangers online! One of the competitive action shooting games that you can play is Pixel Gun 3D: FPS Shooter & Battle Royale.Published by Pixel Gun 3D, it’s a multiplayer FPS title game that offers a variety of game modes=. You can play battle royale, co-op survival, team deathmatch, and many more. All game modes available fall under two main categories, Multiplayer and Single Player mode. Multiplayer, as the name suggests, lets you play with or against other players. Single Player lets you fight against enemy AIs. But is this a great game to play? Is it worth it to download and play

Crazy pixel shooting-Pixel Gun 3D

Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
This nostalgia i played this game so much
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
Pixel Gun 3D - Jogo de Tiro
This is my oldest game in my history
Pixel gun 3d  gameplay cool 1 first person SHOOTING Game 💯📱🎮

Pixel gun 3d gameplay cool 1 first person SHOOTING Game 💯📱🎮
