GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
Lebih banyakJoin in The Witcher universe’s favorite card game! In GWENT, you clash with your friends in fast-paced duels that combine bluffing, on-the-fly decision making and careful deck construction. With heroes, spells and special abilities that dramatically turn the tide of battle, deception and clever tricks are necessary parts of your arsenal. FREE TO PLAY THAT’S WORTH YOUR TIME — A fair and fun progression system turns the effort of building a competitive collection of cards into pure pleasure — just play GWENT, no strings attached. STUNNING, ALL ACROSS THE BOARD — Beautiful, hand-drawn art and mesmerizing visual effects breathe life into every card, battle and battlefield, making GWENT both fun to play and a joy to watch. SKILL BEATS LUCK — Crush the enemy with brute strength or outsmart them with clever tricks — GWENT’s unique round-based gameplay opens up a world of strategic possibilities to play with. EASILY SATISFYING, ANYTHING BUT EASY — Sling cards across two tactically distinct rows — melee and ranged. Gather more points than your opponent to win a round. Win two out of three rounds to win the battle. It won’t be easy, but no one said it should be. NO HOLDING BACK, NO HOLDING HANDS — You start with 10 cards in your hand, able to play each right from the start. It’s up to you to open the game with your strongest unit, or save the best for later.
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
After 80 hours of playtime, i feel confident, when i say, that Gwent represents the pinnacle of Collectible Card games, and digital games in general. It represents the product of many years of developement and love, and is closer to perfection, as i would have ever imagined, that a product made by men could possibly be.
But, im stepping forward...
Many years ago, i was an enthusiastic Gwent-beta player. It was a time, when Hearthstone was dominating the video-game-world, and lots of small and big companies tried to get a piece of the cake, and released their own visions of card-games. And, while i felt, that better games than Hearthstone were born during that period, they all vanished sooner or later.
One of the best digital games that have ever been released...
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
If you're fan of Witcher and want to play Gwent. Then you're lucky.
Gwent is strategy game where you need patience and control. Here you have different fractions cards:
Monster, Skellige, Nilfgard, Northern Realms, Scoia'Tael and Syndicate. You can also mix up them all.
You fight 1v1, where you need to choose cards to win. To win you need to form combos of cards to get most points. You need to win 2/3 round.
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
Absolute gorgeous art style, cool and unique gameplay mechanics but is unbalanced, all tho devs added balance voting to cummunity, each patch most broken cards/builds/decks will be voted out and patched, soo... game will be better overtime in terms of most hated aspect in Gwent, even tho u can still enjoy it very well.
Besides that game rocks.
Gameplay 7/10 (7 becouse of balance issue that will be fixed.)
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
If you are a fan of Witchet Gwent or any Card game, then this is a must try game. Here are following things that will make you interested about the game:
[⭐Gameplay Mechanics:⭐]
Before the match begins, the game decides if you either go first or go 2nd. Going first means you can drop a card as early as possible, while being second means you get an extra card. Whoever has the highest points wins and the game have 2-3 rounds depending on who won. NOTE: Don't waste all your cards in just 1st round as you will only get less card on upcoming 2nd and 3rd round. Whoever wins 2 rounds wins the match.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game Review
GWENT: The Witcher Card Game
I’ve been dying to play Gwent: The Witcher Card Game for some time now. Strangely, I’ve yet to read any of the books written by Andrzej Sapkowski or play any of the games that kick-started the franchise’s rise to fame. But I was absolutely enthralled by Netflix’s live-action The Witcher series. That alone was enough to get me interested in Gwent, and that interest was helped along by the fact that I love card games.