Veewo Games幻影工作室
Lebih banyak来自幻影世界的喵喵们将前往神秘的怪物海岛,这次他们将遇到全新冒险和挑战,铲屎官们可帮助他们渡过重重危险,将他们重聚于海岛之上,在海岛上建立悠闲治愈的幻想营地~ 【炫酷的幻影技能】 勇敢正义的阿瑞,娇小可爱的诺诺、魅力十足的电眼、暴躁凶悍的小小……这次他们解锁了全新的强力魔法技能,释放雷电之力,召唤灵力傀儡,发射魔力射线,甚至进行时空扭转!这些性格各异,惹人喜爱的幻影角色供铲屎官们进行收集和培养。 【温馨治愈的喵喵投食】 当你拥有自己的海岛后,海岛上会吸引不同的神秘“紫色客人”来访,给他们进行投食,这些被吸引来的“小客人”也会给你送来爱心礼物哦! 【形态各异的萌系怪物】 在不同主题的海岛之上,也居住着各种蠢萌的小怪物,一年四季都在睡觉的瞌睡史莱姆,神秘高贵的鹿灵,长着猫耳朵的水母,还有喷火的巨龙......等待你的探索和发现。 【捕捉收集怪物伙伴】 击败海岛上的怪物,捕捉收集它们,将它们变幻为你强力伙伴,并带他们回家,帮助你进行战斗哦~ 【风格迥异的神秘海岛】 清新自然的翡翠森林;沙石漫天的沙漠王国;极寒之地的城堡等等。各种神秘的海岛绚丽而多变,且温暖治愈。
I had played this game on my sister's old phone, it was so fun and I'm happy that I got this game before it was being removed from a Play Store, and the fact this is a Super Phantom Cat fangame, it was pretty well done. This game is still on my sister's old phone but sadly it's broken now, it cannot be open :(. That's why I want this game again and download on my OWN phone. Please release it.....
[COMMENT REDONE] I like everything about this beautiful Super Phantom Cat fangame!! 😻 Mostly the characters, both Phantom Heroes and both critters ^^ such an awesome masterpiece between Super Cat Tales, Cube Critters, Super Phantom Cat, Clash of Clans, Super Mario, a Sonic videogame. ^^ I saw Gameplays of this videogame. That's energetic!!
Itu saja untuk saat ini. Mulai game baru?