Lebih banyakEksplorasi dunia tak terbatas dan bangun berbagai hal mulai dari yang paling sederhana seperti rumah hingga yang paling megah seperti istana. Bermain dalam mode kreatif dengan sumber daya tidak terbatas atau gali jauh ke dalam dunia dalam mode bertahan hidup, membuat senjata dan zirah untuk mengusir mob berbahaya. Buat, eksplorasi, dan bertahan hidup sendiri atau bersama teman di perangkat seluler atau Windows 10. PERLUAS PERMAINANMU: Marketplace - Temukan kreasi komunitas terbaru di marketplace! Dapatkan peta unik, skin, dan paket tekstur dari kreator favoritmu. Perintah garis miring - Kamu bisa mengubah cara memainkan permainan: kamu bisa memberikan item, memanggil mob, mengubah waktu hari, dan banyak lagi. Add-On - Sesuaikan pengalamanmu lebih jauh lagi dengan Add-On gratis! Jika lebih mahir teknologi, kamu bisa memodifikasi perilaku berorientasi data dalam permainan untuk membuat paket sumber daya baru. MULTIPEMAIN Realms - Bermain dengan maksimal 10 teman lintas platform kapan saja, di mana saja di Realms, server pribadi sendiri yang kami host untukmu. Coba uji coba gratis 30 hari dalam aplikasi. Multipemain - Bermain dengan maksimal 4 teman dengan akun Xbox Live gratis secara online. Server - Bergabunglah ke server besar gratis multipemain dan bermain dengan ribuan pemain lainnya! Temukan dunia raksasa yang dijalankan oleh komunitas, bersaing dengan mini-game unik dan bersosialisasi di lobi yang penuh dengan teman baru. DUKUNGAN: https:///www.minecraft.net/help\PELAJARI LEBIH LANJUT: https:///www.minecraft.net/
As we move into 2025, Minecraft remains one of the most beloved and innovative games in the industry. With new updates, exciting community initiatives, and unexpected collaborations, here's everything fans can look forward to in the upcoming year.
1. Major Updates and Features
Mojang Studios is set to roll out a significant update early in 2025, focusing on new biomes, mobs, and gameplay mechanics. Leaks suggest that a "Skylands" dimension may be introduced, offering floating islands, unique creatures, and rare resources.
Minecraft 2025: What’s New and What’s Next?
I really like Minecraft, I’m playing it from 2016 bruh, I’m not true og, but yeah.
Optimization on mobile is ok, even better than Java’s on PC, because I’m playing on my IPhone 8 and yeah, it stutters but it’s playable. On my PC it stutters on latest version, but it exceed reccomended system requirements, idk why, but it don’t stutter on Bedrock Edition with max graphics, so conclusion is that Java have bad optimization, and i maybe know why.
This is a great sandbox game, the detail and creatures are amazing. The game is scary if you didn't pay attention cause if you play alone and you just felt the goosebumps sometimes when you're just mining or building a house at night, the game is easy and simple you don't need to be so good to play the game, just know the basic and how to not panic in some deadly situations. It's just if you play on bedrock edition there's a lot of bugs on the game. But this is still one of the great and the best game I have ever played, the game is fun if you play it with friends or on an online server, with lots of mods or add-ons you can add to your Minecraft world to make it more fun and challenging. This is my childhood game and I still loved it till this day, though I don't p lay that much now because for me it's boring if you play alone, I do have friends that can play Minecraft with me, but the thing is, I don't have that much time to play and the game isn't that exciting if you play only just 2 or 3 people, even if it's your best friends.