USTeam17 Software, Limited
Lebih banyak《Sheltered》是一款末日灾难管理游戏,重新诠释了“核谐”家庭的含义。一场核灾难造成数十亿人丧生,想要抢占先机,你必须尽可能收集补给,前往位于地下的混凝土避难所,那里,在可怕的未来中将变成你的家。 当新世界发生了翻天覆地的变化,你将如何在绝望中生存下去?每天面临无数的道德选择,你的决定影响着家庭成员的命运——存活或不幸罹难。资源匮乏,每天都只能勉强度日,到了做出重大抉择的时候了。你将派出何人去探索巨大荒芜的废土?探索是一件极其危险的事情,你可以使用资源制造武器,它们是决定生死的关键。野兽、其他派系的攻击源源不断,危机四伏。 “暴力不能解决问题”……或许你从前会这么想,但现在战斗是唯一的选择。随着你和你的家庭的成长壮大,技能、属性以及弱点也随之增加。你必须制定战略,保证他们有精良的装备,在紧张的回合制战斗中与你家庭的威胁斗争,并取得胜利。
There are bugs in the game about the interface, the mobile is not fully optimized, but other than that, it is a nice game where we manage and grow our shelter, it is a little difficult to learn at first, but after learning it is really fun. The bad part of the game is that it gets repetitive after a while and this is really boring after playing and finishing it 2 times, I never opened it again, 3 stars but it's worth
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