Tobias Örnberg
Lebih banyakHoppenhelm 爵士在 Dunkelburg 城堡的地牢里迷路了,他必须在不断上升的岩浆干掉他之前,一路跳跃、阻挡和拼杀,到达安全地带。收集金币以解锁具有不同技能的盟友,或使用全新非凡武器来扩充你的军械库。 Hoppenhelm 特点: • 街机平台动作游戏 • 单手控制 • 根据进度随机生成关卡 • 颇具挑战的游戏玩法 • 可解锁角色和武器 • 排行榜 • 精美的子画面和生动的动画 • 欢快活跃的芯片音乐配乐 • 应用内购买可移除广告 • 倾情创作 :D 感谢你赏玩 <3
Welcome back again lads and ladies, today I will be recommending you a game that only requires a singular hand to play. This is One Hand, One Game. And today's game is, Hoppenhelm.
With simple pixelart artstyle and basic game mechanics, You can explore a dungeon that's littered with treasure and enemies. Collect coins to unlock characters and weapons with unique traits to progress through the game much faster. Hop onto tiles, watch out for traps, block attacks and swing your weapon in
One Hand, One Game. #4
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