ピアノ タイル 2
もっとピアノタイル2(Piano Tiles 2)、一世を風靡したゲーム、ついに待ちに待ったアプデを迎えた。<p>流行曲を大幅に増やし、豊富な伴奏を加えた。さあ、新たな体験を!</p> <p><b> 特徴: </b><br>• ピアノだけじゃない、数々の楽器で伴奏を楽しもう<br>• クラシック音楽の他に、流行曲も多数追加!<br>• シンプルな操作、華麗なゲーム画面、ピアニストになる夢を叶えよう<br>• 友人と勝負したり、世界中のユーザーと共同演奏しよう!<br>• Facebookと連携すると複数の端末でデータ同期できる<br>• アップグレードした音楽をお楽しみください</p> <p><b> ルール: </b><br>リズムに合わせて黒いタイルをタップし、白いタイル踏まないでね!さっそくやってみよう!ピアノとバンドのアンサンブル今始まります。友達と勝負しながら、スピードを極めよう!</p> <p><b> サポート: </b><br>ゲームに関するフィードバックは <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>までにお寄せください。もしくは、設定>「サポート」までにご連絡ください。</p> <p>プライバシーポリシー:<br><a href="🔗link://www.google.com/url?q%3D🔗link;sa=D&usg=AFQjCNENKoEk-8767IfYnzEUoW9btuU70g" target="_blank">🔗link;/a></p>
Hey, gamers! It’s Saturday, 2024/03/16. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 music games of Week11 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play.
Kicking off at number 10, we have Piano Tiles 2 (Don't Tap...2), a music game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.
Top 10 music Games of the Week on TapTap | Week11 2024
Hey, gamers! It’s Saturday, 2023/05/20. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 music games of Week20 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play.
Kicking off at number 10, we have Piano Tiles 2 (Don't Tap...2), a music game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.
Top 10 music Games of the Week on TapTap | Week20 2023
Hey, gamers! It’s Saturday, 2023/04/22. We’re back with a highly-anticipated video where we’re going to rank the ultimate top 10 music games of Week16 on TapTap. We’ve scoured through the best games of the week and compiled our list to give you a guide to the most amazing games you should definitely play.
Kicking off at number 10, we have Piano Tiles 2 (Don't Tap...2), a music game that offers an incredible Gameplay experience that you just can't miss.
Top 10 music Games of the Week on TapTap | Week16 2023