FASTAR - Fantasy Fairy Story
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もっとゲーム、ぬくもりと出会う かわいい音楽とこころをいやす雰囲気! 妖精の癒し系ファンタジー! ゲーム、ぬくもりと出会う ファンタスティックな妖精ファンタジー! 名曲があふれる心温まるゲーム 成長するほど綺麗になる夜空にどきどき! うつくしいアーティファクトを全部あつめてファスターを個性あふれる世界にしてください! 全世界のみんなのともだち妖精で力を合わせ、自分のすてきな妖精を育てましょう! ---- ※ This game is Google play login required. 1. Google Play Sign Solution >> Google Play Services update: 🔗link >> Google Play Games update: 🔗link - Privacy Policy: 🔗link ■ Smartphone App Permissions [Smartphone App Permissions] We are requesting certain app permissions to provide the below services. [Optional App Permissions] - Photos / Media / Files: Save the screenshot, the necessary permissions to the shared features. * Game can still be played if you do not grant these permissions. [How to Withdraw Permissions] ▶ Android above 6.0: Settings > App > Select App > Permission List > Allow/Deny Permission ▶ Android below 6.0: Upgrade the OS to deny permissions, or delete the app * The game may not initially offer individual permission settings; in this case, use the above method to adjust permissions. * This app offers in-app purchases. You can disable this feature by adjusting your device settings.