Blade Shooter: Survival games
Studio Drill
もっと古代の予言どおり、世界を壊すシャドウモンスターが集まっています。 シャドウモンスターに対抗するには、偉大な剣の意志を受け継ぐブレード シューターの力が必要です。 ブレード シューターになって強く多彩な剣を召喚し、敵と戦いましょう。 ある時は、敵の軍隊が強すぎて危機が訪れるかもしれません。 でも、ブレード シューターならどんな苦難も乗り越えられるでしょう。 剣と共にあらんことを…! ゲームの特徴 - 今まで見たことがないサバイバルシューティングゲームを楽しみましょう! - 多彩なスキルの組み合わせでステージを突破しましょう! - 強力なヒーローの必殺技で敵を倒しましょう! - 迫力あふれる特別なボスバトルを体験しましょう!
Blade Shooter: Survival games
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Score 6/10
Full Review:
Personal Playtime: ~2 hours
Blade Shooter:Survival Games is another game that follows the same mold as pickle pete, tomb raider reloaded, and surivor.io in terms of across the game progression. What sets it apart from these games is the fixed screen shoot em’ up design that it has. This alone makes it worth checking out if you are either new to the genre or are a fan. The gameplay can be pretty dynamic the first few runs that you play but after a while the game can get a little stale if the genre does not resonate with you. There is a ton of possible progression but you have to be very committed to see it through. The game does not do anything egregiously wrong in terms of ad placement as these seem to be limited to revives and getting additional items in the in-game shop. However that same in-game shop is what holds it back. Whales:BEWARE this can be a game that you can sink tons of money into. It doesn't have to be like that but I'm sure at some point the progression halts. I just was not committed enough to see where that wall was.
On A Knife’s Edge