Galaxy Wars
もっとIn the year 2503, humanity has exhausted Earth's resources. In desperation, humanity sent their colonial fleets to explore the galaxy and find new resources. Our thirst for resources brought us in contact with ancient alien empires. Contact led to war, and in the end powerful aliens responded by destroying earth. Humans went into exile among the stars. Now, in the year 2516, we need a hero to lead us and rebuild our civilization. Can you be that hero?<p><br>"Galaxy Wars" is a massively multiplayer SLG online game based on space battles.<br>Upgrade your buildings, unlock and research technology, build your fleet and collect resources. As you grow your base, you'll find more to do and explore in the Galaxy!</p> <p><br>Game Features<br>* Battle, chat and interact with players from around the world. Galaxy Wars provides real-time translation. You'll not only meet players from around the globe, but you'll also have barrier-free communication with them.<br>* Varied and challenging strategy. Build your own Star Base and space fleet and conquer and rule the galaxy. How you do it is up to you.<br>* Powerful star alliances. Join or build a star alliance and recruit and fight alongside players from around the world. Lead your allies to defeat enemies and plunder resources!<br>* Exciting PvP battle system. Will you engage in alliance warfare, fight to rule the galaxy, or fight for yourself? Play the way you want.<br>* Lots of futuristic weapons and features including laser cannons, energy weapons, space portals, base jumps and even ancient science and technology.</p> <p>How to Play<br>You are the new Admiral of a human Star Base. Develop your base, upgrade your buildings and research technology. Build a powerful fleet and plunder resources from other players, or collect resources found in space. Join an alliance for assistance and protection. Together, you will be stronger. Buy gift packs or complete tasks to earn items and rewards. Circumstances can change quickly, so your items will be very helpful.</p> <p>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</p> <p>Language Support: English, Russian, Simplified Chinese</p> <p>Facebook:🔗link;br>Twitter:🔗link;br>Instagram:🔗link;br>CustomerService:[email protected]</p>