グローバルNetease Games Global
もっと【好きな場所へ、いざ出発!】 100人の超大マップ!荒野の世界に飛び込み、自分だけのサバイバルの道を自由に探索しよう 【サバイバルの道 予期せぬ仲間と出会おう】 楽しく遊び、楽しく話せる 【最高の友情とは 共に生きることだ】 気心の知れた仲間と荒野で協力、戦いの楽しさをシェアしよう 【カッコいい乗り物 仲間と一緒に飛び出そう】 全員で究極のスピードを出そう 【個性的な着こなし 大切な人に出会おう】 多様なスタイルのトレンドアイテム、気の向くままにコーデしよう フォロー Twitter: 🔗link お問い合わせ:[email protected]
After I stop playing CODM I download this one..The game is good! It just like pubg/ROS. The skins is nice but back then I remembered K.O give more free skins not like today, Thanks tho! xD Anyways the game is good tho. please just fix it. its always glitching and lagging also banned pips who use cheating mod 😤
Thought I'd raise it by 1 star since my first review from last year. Upon more dwelling into it, I believe it stays more true to PUBG than PUBG Mobile itself (in terms of some mechanics and overall feel of the game and quality).
Unfortunately the game has only one server (I won't count the PC one), and is plagued by chinese cheaters, which set my goal of pushing the rank in the mud. :(