911 Operator
もっと「911 オペレーター では、緊急報告されるレポートをすばやく処理する急送者の役割を担います。あなたのタスクは、単にかかってくる電話に出るだけではなく、状況に応じて正しく反応し対応する事です。時には、救急処置の指示だけで十分の場合があります。またある時は、警察、消防署、救急医の介入が必要な場合もあります。緊急ラインで連絡をしてくる相手側には、死の危険が迫っている娘の父親、予期せぬテロリスト、もしくはただのいたずらなどである事も頭に入れておいてください。 世界中のどの都市でもプレイする* 世界中の何千もの都市をチェックしてください。フリープレイモードでは、プレイする都市を選択する事ができます。ゲームでは、実際の街路、住所、緊急時の施設が表示された地図がダウンロードされます。また、サンフランシスコでの地震で生き残り、ワシントンD.C.を爆弾攻撃から救うなどといったユニークな出来事が発生する6つの都市を含むキャリアモードをお試しする事もできます。 チームを管理する 多くの警察、消防署、救急隊があなたの配置下に置かれます。軍は、様々な車両(一般的な救急車から警察のヘリコプターまで)、重要な装備(防弾チョッキ、応急処置キット、専門ツールなど)を使用可能であり、様々な能力を兼ね備えたチームメンバーで構成されます。 人々の命は全てあなたにかかっているのです! 主な特徴: * 50以上の録音された対話は実際の緊急電話での対話を元に作成されたものであり深刻で、そして劇的なものであったり、時にはまた面白かったり不愉快であったりします。 * 現実的緊急措置のの指示。 * 世界中のどんな都市でもプレイすることができる機会 * 6つの都市を選択し、ユニークな電話と出来事が発生するキャリアモード * 140種類以上もの報告書に出くわす多様性 * 12種類の緊急車両(ヘリコプター、警察車両、オートバイを含む)。 *** ゲームを行うには、無料マップをダウンロードする為にインターネット接続が必要となります。地図をダウンロードした後は、オフラインゲームを利用する事ができます。 全ての地図データ©OpenStreetMap作者より *「都市」という用語は、OpenStreetMapサービスの意味合いで使用されており、その中に「都市」または「町」として記載されている都市部に関連しています。
911 Operator
I had a great time playing this game. I love these kinds of situational games where each choice you make reflects drastically on what is happening in town.
You have so many variations to the game where there are random incidents happening with different decisions to make that don't really bore you in the long run.
Pretty nice to have a simulator of being a cop and an operator.
911 Operator
911 Operator is a mobile version of the Steam game and I was really impressed with how this game plays on mobile. I honestly wasn't sure what I was getting into, since I've never played the PC Version, but this is actually a pretty damn good game! Gameplay wise you are an 911 operator, who must direct where the police, firemen and ambulance drivers must go to when an incident is reported.
You will also get phone calls where you must ask the person whats the situation, are they hurt, do they need assistance, and sometimes you need to determine if they are truly in a dangerous situation or not. The games are timed, and when the timer is up you will be ranked on how well you did, and you will get a set of rewards for your efforts.
911 Operator - A FANTASTIC Port From PC
911 Operator
You will play as an emergency dispatcher in this game, dealing with all the emergency phone calls. It is not only about answering phone calls but also how you manage resources (med, firefighter, and police) timely and efficiently.
One of the best features in the game is the recorded dialogues - what an immersive experience! There were some intense moments. For example, I got a phone call from a lady who's ordering pizza. I thought it was a prank call but then I realize that maybe there were intruders in her house and she couldn't talk 😨 Overall, it's a nice game and worth the price.
This is a really challenging police simulator game
911 Operator
I've always thought that being a 911 operator would be a fun, fulfilling job, but if the game carrying that name is anything to go off of, it's actually stressful and kind of boring.
911 Operator has you answer emergency calls and directing police, fire, and hospital vehicles where to go in the city. Some of the calls get sort of goofy, which can be entertaining, but most of the game is just about juggling the limited resources at your disposal as you try to keep the city from slipping into chaos.
911 Operator
At first, I was kinda off about the game because it's only text and no actions whatsoever, but as I progress and get the hang of the game, I really enjoyed the thrill of different incidents that are happening around the city.
It is never a dull moment because one incident may occur on top of another other. That's why the game is worthwhile.
It was a random buy for the game, and it's really living up to its price.
They really made a game about being a 911 operator. That's interesting.
911 Operator
This is a simulation of being a 911 operator monitoring the things that are happening in the town and you'll be in-charge of dispatching the local authorities that are needed in the particular incident.
I enjoy the designation and management which made this game really worthwhile for me. This is definitely the best purchase that I ever had in the Playstore.
This game is really fun to play, I had a great time with it.
911 Operator
I recently tried out 911 Operator and I went into this game thinking it wouldn't be that much fun, and wow was I wrong. Even though the game doesn't look very immersive, since all you're doing is staring at a map and telling your police, firemen and ambulance drivers where to go, as well as answer phone calls, the sound effects, and the phone calls just makes the game feel very much like you really are trying to help these people who are in need.
911 Operator - An IMMERSIVE Experience on Mobile!
911 Operator
Tried the PC version of the game on Steam before and got really exhausted (in a good way) by the demanding yet interesting gameplay. The mobile version is nicely optimized for mobile players which is great. Basically you need to split your attention and time to carefully deal with the urgent tasks based on their level of emergency. Try this if you are into time management games with various scenarios.