King of Opera - Party Game!
Tuokio Oy
もっと1人~4人でプレイできるAndroidベストパーティーゲーム! お友達とパーティーする準備はOK? 1. 面白い姿のテノールをコントロール。 2. 他のテノールをステージから追い出してください。 3. 5つのゲームモードで名声を勝ち取ろう! 4. ブル・テノールを避けてKing of Opera(キング・オブ・オペラ)になりましょう! 5. 繰り返しプレイ- 年齢は関係なく誰でもプレイできます! タブレットおよび携帯端末専用テーブルゲーム。 お友達や家族で楽しめること間違いなしです。
King of Opera - Party Game!
My family are not that type of happy family that people might think, we as a family almost never play any video games together. Most of us do play video games these days including my mom however we play games as individuals plus our parents were busy with their business and they prefer sleeping or watch movies at home anyways
But after i saw this Taptap Gathering Event, it makes me wonder "Did we even play video games together before?" So i tried to look at my app library on Google Play and see if i can find my old games that i forgot even exist, but i couldnt find anything until i suddenly out of nowhere remember a pretty old game called King of Opera! King of Opera is a game that you can play with up to 4 players at once and i played it on my old iPad. We use touch controls to move an opera singer around a stage. The goal is to get into a moving spotlight for as long as possible or to knock the other singers off the stage. The winner is the player with the most time in the spotlight