もっと※女性向换装游戏,千套精美服装 ※欧洲宫廷风格,还原令人炫目的奢华舞会 ※服装搭配与恋爱养成结合,五十名以上拥有独立剧情的NPC!数十位可进一步互动 【游戏背景】 如果你突然获得了身为贵族小姐的第二人生,你要怎么做? 是随波逐流、靠着男人的善意而获得优渥的生活,还是伸出自己的爪牙、用狡诈、用美貌、用你的头脑……去实现自己背负的使命? 精致的面孔和华丽的话语在身边缭绕,你,又是否能辨认出哪些是真心,哪些是假意? 来吧,穿上这袭只属于你的华服,乐队奏起无人听过的华尔兹,来跳这场命运的圆舞曲吧! 【特色玩法】 超过六十万字的丰富剧情! 数千件古典时装、可爱萝裙、幻想风服饰的自由搭配,染色,改造! 五十名以上拥有独立剧情的NPC!既有小哥哥,也有小姐姐~ 没有关卡限制的舞会模式,穿着搭配,角色互动全自由! 【游戏特色】 你将扮演一个混入上流社会的交际花少女,利用巧妙的服装搭配引起不同角色的注意,与他们或真心或假意的交谈,从而获得复兴家族所需的宝贵情报! 剧情由《螺旋境界线》原班人马打造,情节环环相扣,NPC对你的态度与看法会随着你的选择而逐步变化;这不是傻白甜靠男人帮助混社会的故事,你的命运掌握在自己手里——也只有你能帮助自己! 遍布全城的大小舞会等你筛选,越受欢迎,获得的舞会邀请就越多;每个场景都可以邂逅不同的NPC,解锁不同的特殊套装! 巧妙运用手中的情报与秘密,你可以左右社交界的谈话风潮; 是要散布谣言,还是要戳穿真相,全看你的选择!
I really loved this game at the time and was devastated to find out that it was shut down, the thing that I hated about this game is that you can only wear an outfit once, you can wear it again but you cannot win beauty contests, and so you have to buy a dress/outfit each party and here comes another problem.. You can hardly get a new outfit because the cloths shop had very little outfits and I didn't even have money to buy new ones, if the recommendation icon in the dressing room didn't exist this game would have been unplayable. But despite that I really liked the story and the characters.
It's been so long... helix waltz. I still remember every character and their favor till now. I wish you would come back. I played you for 2 year straight non-stopping. And i loved to wait the items that you are going to give. I don't know anyone but you are the best dress up story game for me forever. Every plots in the game are very imteresting. And every dress items were literally match and i loved to make my own daily designs. and i had a day dream. One day, i'll be one of the designer of helix waltz. But now it's really did a daydream. I miss you... please, give us a globel sever. Many peoples are waiting like me. and now i had another daydream. Hoping that you will come back to us with big events...