VEGA Conflict 비디오 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict 게임 스크린샷
VEGA Conflict

VEGA Conflict

더 보기리더의 자격을 증명하고 함대를 이끌어 거대한 우주전쟁을 전두지휘하세요. 다른 플레이어와 함께 강력한 반란군을 조직하여 사악한 베가 연합으로부터 은하계를 되찾으세요.<p>직접 이끄는 전쟁: 상대에 따라 다양한 전략을 구사하고 함대를 구성하여 승리를 당신 것으로 만드세요.<br>실시간 PvP: 실제 전쟁에서는 당신의 차례가 오기만을 기다리지 않습니다. 실시간으로 적을 공격하세요.<br>장소를 가리지 않는 전투: 세력 간의 분쟁은 끝이 없습니다. 스마트폰, 태블릿 또는 웹 브라우저에서 전투를 이어나가세요.</p> <p>Recommended devices:<br>-------------------------------<br>We recommend high-end devices for the best gameplay experience: Galaxy S5, LG G3, HTC One M8, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Sony Xperia Z, Sony Xperia Z2, Sony Xperia Z3</p> <p>Internet Data Use:<br>------------------------<br>VEGA Conflict requires a stable internet connection and is best played on Wi-Fi. After initial install and updates VEGA Conflict needs to download additional game data, Wi-Fi is recommended</p> <p>Required App Permissions:<br>-----------------------------------<br>IN-APP PURCHASES – So you can buy in-game currency if you choose to<br>IDENTITY – So the game can offer you the option to sign in with your Google/G+ account<br>PHOTOS/MEDIA/FILES – So the game can store game data on your device<br>WI-FI CONNECTION INFORMATION – So the game can connect to the internet to play<br>DEVICE ID &amp; CALL INFORMATION – So phone calls will not be blocked by the game</p> <p>Optional Google+/Google Play Games Permissions:<br>-------------------------------------------------------------------<br>If you choose to sign in with Google+/Google Play Games to use achievements and leaderboards the game requires additional permissions. The game will never use your email contacts.<br>If you would prefer to play as a Guest, login with Facebook, or use KIXEYE details then press CANCEL when prompted to give permissions/log in with Google+/Google Play Games</p> <p>Some players have had trouble signing in while in portrait mode. Please sign in while in landscape or disable auto-rotate in Settings. Thanks for your patience while we resolve this issue.</p>

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