Mediocre AB
더 보기수상 경력에 빛나는 Smash Hit와 Does not Commute의 개발사가 재창조한 핀볼! 진동하는 빛과 고동치는 레트로 웨이브 비트로 이루어진 수수께끼의 협곡을 여행하며, 시간과 경쟁하세요. 클래식 핀볼을 바탕으로 숨이 멎을 듯한 아케이드 경험을 빚어냈습니다. PinOut은 무료로 광고 없이 플레이할 수 있습니다. 일회적인 앱 내 구매로 프리미엄 업그레이드를 구매하면, 게임을 체크포인트에서 계속할 수 있게 됩니다.
It is an evolution of the original Pinball that includes mini-games and highly addictive vertical advancement. The style has retro and furtistic overtones with unique and wonderful visuals and effects. The soundtrack is absolutely great with unique themes and straightforward gameplay, but the difficulty of the tables is challenging and encourages you to keep playing. The length of the game is good without being long, but this game is worth every penny and is played without the need for an internet connection, just as it should be. One of the best plasytore games. Rating: Great
This game is made by Mediocre, and they have good games. this one is good as their other ones.
the game is really fun pinball style by with a twist.
ok honestly i have no time to write some goofy review, this game is good and you should play it. taptap please stop sending notifs about sending a review i wanna sleep.
Worth trying out.
지금은 모든 콘텐츠가 있습니다. 새로운 게임을 시작하시겠습니까?