슈퍼 애로우 키우기 : 100억 스킬 조합
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슈퍼 애로우 키우기 : 100억 스킬 조합
Super Arrow Online has a UNIQUE SKILL COMBO SYSTEM, but overall gameplay is AVERAGE at best.
Super Arrow Online is another online idle mobile game that will play itself and all you really have to do is just manage your heroes stats and equipment. If you enjoy these types auto play games then perhaps this could be another one for your library.
Super Arrow Onlines gameplay is pretty self explanatory, you don't have to do any of the actual fighting, the game will do it for you. You just have to focus on upgrading your skills, upgrades, and abilities as well as buying new skills for your weapons and trying your luck with the gacha for the bow, arrows, quiver, rings as well as the skills. The game does however give you a large amount of gacha crystals to summon from, and so far I haven't run out. Yet. There are 5 dungeon types you can do as well, these range from dungeons for gold, elemental stones, skill, experience and resources as well as a couple dungeons to try and get the best scores possible to compete with other players. There is even a 4 player real time raid and dungeon boss, but I'm not strong enough to take part in that just yet. Honestly the best part about this game is the skill management system. You can pair up so many different main skills and sub skills to your skill deck, to make some pretty impressive skill combinations. Any skill can go anywhere, but some would make more sense to pair with the correct types. But the freedom to just create your own devastating skill chains is pretty cool. And it can look really bad ass when watching your character just blow up all the monsters with the amazing skill combos.
Super Arrow Online has FUN COMBO SKILLS, but the GAMEPLAY was OKAY AT BEST
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