더 보기网易超真实3D合作狩猎手游《猎魂觉醒》,来这里一起体验紧张刺激的共斗狩猎! 所行之处,绝非安稳尘世; 高墙于侧,困此虚假乐园。 凶残的巨兽步步紧逼,咆哮着带来末日的狂潮; 权力的游戏愈演愈烈,黑暗中罗织重重阴谋; 伟大的艾兰特王国岌岌可危,等待着伟大的英雄挺身而出。 拿起你的武器,加入英勇的游骑兵,投入对抗巨兽的战斗,为人类的自由与尊严而战。 以游骑兵的名义,刺破高墙外的黑暗!
This game is completely playable with a translator app. I use one called "Tap Translate Screen." Only downside is you need Wechat or QQ to log in which can be difficult to get outside of China. It's worth it though! Great graphics, fluid gameplay, and awesome monsters! It definitely fills that Monster Hunter void if you aren't near a console. If you have a Chinese social media just use a translator and you can play the game just like you did on Global!
Great game!
I really hope global server will be playable again,
There're player that pay for items in game, not only chinese players, and they use much of their time for it because I think I haven't found any hunting game in android as good as Errant (thx for making me addict) and so player that had been played for thousands hours.
I know we got something like refund, but I don't think my memories there is replaceable.
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