Khmer Riddle Quiz
bora chea
더 보기*** WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS RIDDLE?? *** Do you know Khmer riddle ? I think you know some of them; but have you ever played with your friends? have you ever asked your friends or answer your friends riddle? Ok now you can play and discuss with your friends to answer the riddle in this game. Try it to know how smart you are. Khmer riddle can make you smarter, believe me?? Ok let's try it you will know. Don't wait, just download and play now..., and don't forget to share it to your friends or relatives to make more fun with them...:). The rule of the game is simple: We will give you a riddle, so you need to read it carefully and try to understand its hidden meaning, then guess and spell out that meaning. Don't forget to compare your score with your friends to know that between you and them who is smarter in Khmer Riddle. Game features: -Nice interface -Relax background music -Funny sound effects -426 Khmer Riddles -Score comparison with your Facebook friends -Score comparison with your Game Center friends