i.Game 16張麻將免費版
Webi & Neti Internet Services Inc.
더 보기最經典的人氣麻將遊戲 -《i.Game16張麻將》上桌開打,缺咖嗎?24hr 隨時陪打解牌癮!採用16張麻將計台規則,台數計算豐富有趣喔! 遊戲特色 1.[尬牌][擂台][積分]:獨家提供多種好玩的16張麻將遊戲模式,一次玩個過癮。 2.聰明的人工智慧:可隨玩家程度自動調整,以利磨練牌技。 3.精心設計舒服牌面:動態放大選牌,亦可滑牌打出,適合你更適合長輩。 4.單機線上排名:想知道自己的牌技水準?線上排行與全球麻將高手拼高下。 5.完整對戰紀錄:包含個人歷史最高分台型及組成牌等,讓你永久留念! ................. 如對《16張麻將》有任何想法或建議,歡迎來信[email protected] (煩請註明遊戲名稱、使用手機或iPad型號及OS版本,以利快速回應) 您的寶貴意見將可協助我們改善與加強,以便回饋更好的遊戲給您喔:D i.Game 16 Mahjong Play the traditional Taiwan 16 tiles Mahjong game exclusively designed for iPhone/iPad with dynamic BIG tiles for easier touch, flicking tiles to discard, touch to magnify and continue games functions. Accumulate your score in the Score Race mode, or play with 16 characters of different playing strategies and defeat them all to win the Champion Award. Select a photo from your album as your own character. Taiwan Mahjong is played with 16 tiles and flower/seasons bonus tiles, and you can win a hand just by having 5 sets of runs or triplets and 1 pair of tiles, therefore making it easier for Mahjong beginners. i.Game 16 Mahjong features an AI program that adjusts its levels according to your skills, and an user-friendly interface developed by i.Game multiplayer gamesite (running since 1998). Other features: A detailed help with all scoring combinations, options for tile voice.