Super fantastic, and it makes me feel like I'm becoming addicted to this game. However, the game is well-balanced, with both difficult and easy levels.
In terms of the game's graphics, the cards are adorable, and the mechanics are fantastic. I've played a lot of racing games on the tabletop, and this one isn't bad.
Overall, this is an entertaining game that was designed in a unique way and has several unique races and features. I'm going to give this a 5-star rating.
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- LezPlay
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NotSoFunEh ™
NotSoFunEh ™
this game would seem awesome if their wasn't so many f'ing instructions, and I could actually skip all of that and play the game.. tutorial is just not good I mean if you need too learn how too play a racing game or any game you shouldn't game out.. fail.
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