Metal Revolution gameplay/review
Metal Revolution is a 2D fighter where you get to play as a robot. Think Street Fighter crossed with Real Steel. It has really good graphics and super tight controls. The selection of characters is quite diverse with all of the differing fighting styles and character designs, one of my favorites being Chromeleon.
The drawbacks come with the way you obtain fighters. Now I get that it's a free to play game and they gotta make their money somewhere. But the acquiring of free currency to get those characters is pretty slow from my experience. You start with a few characters and a few more on free rotation but there's a ton more that you need to purchase. The cost of the characters combined with the rate you get the free currency can create some frustration, it won't be long before you start itching to buy some paid currency. The good thing is that the really good gameplay is enough for me to stave off that frustration.
If you want a tight and responsive fighting game experience and you're okay with a bit of grinding, Metal Revolution is right for you. It sure was for me.
Overall 8/10
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