"Auto Chess" 2019.05.14 Updates Announcement

Dear Chess Players:
“Auto Chess” plans to have maintenance on 2019.05.14 3AM CST, the expected duration is 3 hours. During the maintenance, players are unable to login, server open schedule may early or delay depends on maintenance status.
Update Info:
[b][New Updates]
1, Add team function, players can play in a team only on Casual Mode (休闲模式)
2, Add friend function, add friends by following
3. Add Casual Mode, ranked score will not effected under this mode.
4, Add beginner guide
5, Add share function
6, Add emoji function in chat, 4 free emojis to all
7, Add damage special effects, 1 free special effect to all
8, Add chat bubble function, 1 free bubble to all
9, Add team / private chat channel
10, Add "My Following" (我的关注) ranking
11, Add game ID one-click copy function
12. Add a brand new game lobby scene and interface
13. All chess players add 1 casual voice and 4 victory voices.
14, The gashapon added new reward: chess player skin *2, chessboard skin *2, chat bubble *2, damage special effects *5, chat emojis *12
[Balance Adjustment]
This week's【强势阵容】(Top Build) is the Goblin build (the statistical data selection hot & win rate average score No.1)
This week's 【非强势阵容】(Bottom Build) is the Hunter build (the statistical data selection hot & win rate average score last one)
Goblin - 羁绊(3)(6) effect increase armor by 15 to increase armor by 12
Ripper (撕裂者) - Armor is adjusted from 6/8/10 to 5/7/9
Hunter - 羁绊(3)(6) effect “All hunter attack power increased by 30/40, and the 35%/45% chance 100% hit” to adjust to “All hunter attack power increased by 35/45, and 35%/ 45% chance 100% hit"
Dwarf Sniper (矮人火枪手) - Headshot (爆头) attack animation is adjusted from 1 second to 0.5 seconds
Dwarf Gyrocopter (矮人直升机) - Air Strike (空中打击) cooldown is adjusted from 10 seconds to 15 seconds
Dark Spirit (暗之灵) - The ratio of Blackhole (黑洞) pure damage is adjusted from 5%/7%/9% to 4%/6%/8%
Dark Spirit - Fixed 3 star Dark Spirit skill cooldown error
The Pirate Captain (海盗船长) - Ghost Ship (幽灵船) cooldown is balanced from 10/10/10 to 15/12/9
Purgatory Knight (炼狱骑士) - The basic HP is adjusted from 750/1500/3000 to 700/1400/2800.
Fallen Demon Hunter (堕落猎魔人) - The basic HP is adjusted from 650/1300/2600 to 700/1400/2800
Shadow Lord (暗影魔王) - Shadow Song (影之歌) damage is adjusted from 100/150/200 to 150/200/250
1. Optimize the login display of Longyuan (龙渊) account, and hide 4 digits in the middle of the mobile phone number.
2. Optimize model of 65 chess pieces
3, Optimize the chess player's movement
4, Optimize the chess piece's jump logic
5. Optimize the artistic performance of item combination button
6, Optimize the damage statistics panel
7. Modify the font color of the offensive player's nickname display, from dark white to bright white
8. When entering the preparation phase, the lens will zoom in slightly
9, The button of damage statistics interface is adjusted to a rounded square button
10, The effective click area of ​​item backpack is enlarged
11. When drag item, the dendritic combination interface will be temporarily hidden.
12. Add the MISS floating word hint when the attack is evaded
13. The text displayed during the round is slightly adjusted to the right.
14, The game player chat danmaku color is adjusted to blue
15. Optimize the demon's buff performance when multiple demons on chessboard
16, Canceled the special effect of +1 gold coin on victory
17. Optimize some chess pieces illustrations in Gallery (图鉴)
18, Add double-click to enlarge the board function, the default is not open this function, can be switched on by setting
19, Add the setting button, the sale button can be set locate at the bottom left or bottom right, the default is bottom left
20, Add the setting button, the green dotted line can be set whether to display or not when dragging the chess piece, the default is to display
21, Add the setting button, players can set whether the pop-up damage statistics interface automatically starts at the beginning of battle phase, the default is to pop up
1. Fix the skill description error of "魔力之源"
2, Fix the skill description error of the "沙地之主"
3, Fix the devil race description error
4, Fix "禁忌猎魔人" skills will be effective for the skill immune unit
5, Fix error when under certain situation, the 逐风游侠、光鳞龙 and 龟甲长老 skills did not cause damage.
6, Fix the problem of Taunt (嘲讽) exists after 赤斧酋长 died
7. Fix the problem when dragging item, the backboard storage reach the indication of the combination condition (blue vertical bar) without hidden
8. Fix the problem when device is not charging, the game internal battery icon shows charging status problem.
9, Try to fix the selected part of combine item has a chance to freeze the game
10. Try to fix After combining chess pieces, the illustration does not unlock in the gallary
11, Try to fix the problem of lost model of the combination moment
12, Try to fix the problem of clicking feedback button in the game will crash the game
13, Try to fix the problem of chess pieces star tips and race & class tips appearing in the wrong place
14. Try to fix the problem that the data is used in default setting in the ranking panel in some cases
We attach great importance to the valuable suggestions made by each chess player. In order to give you a better version experience, the test server will be updated according to the suggestions of chess players in time. Please pay attention to appropriate game time.
Thank you for your support.
“Auto Chess” Operation Team
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