Dungeon Defense of the Monsters against Humans, am I on the right side?

I really thought I know the game and how to play it but it turns out to be extremely difficult for me. This is one of the few games where the monsters are the protagonists and humans are evil ones that keep on raiding their castle. The game is basically a hybrid of tower defense without the towers, replaced by summoned units, and there are no paths but castle rooms. There are a lot of things going on in each room like relics, totems, unit placements, and unit types, and which rooms should be filled with damage dealers, healers, tanks, and many more.
The game features are all new to me, pillage for farming gold per year, making your pillage team, and upgrading their items stand out the most. The Demon King is like the final tower. We should make him strong and equip him with all the weapons. Then just summon units, combine and upgrade them and you should figure out which kind of unit composition per room you have to build.
There is a slight problem with the game that makes it annoying, and it is the buttons and the menus! Some of them do not respond at all. I have to leave the game and restart the 5-minute tutorial video as informed by an NPC.
The game is super fun once you get a decent number of rooms and units. I love playing strategy games and that’s why I still have it on my phone and still playing the other characters aside from the Demon King. The game requires a lot of thinking based on my experience, but if you are not a heavy game analyzer, then this game still perfectly suits you, especially the gothic Korean vibe it gives. Oozing.
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