Global Beta Test is Ended (15-03-2021)

The beta test is over, is it possible that I can provide feedback on my playing experience during the beta test? Let's go!
[i]I will cover my information to avoid unwanted things. I'm writing this because the secret content of this game is no longer a secret. You will be able to find the gameplay videos of this game on YouTube.  If this content violates the TapTap rules, please delete it but I also want you to remove the same content that leaks secret things from this game on TapTap forums / reviews / feedback.
[b][i][u]You also need to know that maybe this is not the final picture of this game. It is possible that there will be further updates that make this game more fresh and interesting. This is because before the Global Beta Test was started, there had previously been a China Regional Beta Test and the appearance of this game was different in several aspects such as: The appearance of Pokemon(s) selection.
1) Main Menu
This is the main screen display. As with anything common, there are profile, coin, crystal, shop, inventory, battle pass ​​and of course the appearance of Pokemon and their Trainer.
Pokemon displayed can be changed according to your favorite Pokemon. But before that, you must already have (buy) the Pokemon that you want to display in the lobby. You can also change the costume from the Trainer in your inventory. Of course you can replace it with the costumes you already have
2) Costume(s) Inventory Display
You can find the costumes you already have here. You can dress your character the way you like it. You can get costumes through the Shop or get them through the Battle Pass or through draw items
The costumes that can be worn by your character consist of: Hats/head accessories, jackets, t-shirts, bags, gloves, pants, socks and shoes
3) Lobby
In this lobby you can see your current rank. I don't have the chance to see what ranks are in this game, but I don't care because the experience of playing isn't messing with the game itself.
There are three game modes, namely: Standard mode, rank mode and quick battle.
4) Preparation Screen
This is the preparation view before the match starts. You can choose the Pokemon of your choice and also customize the costume if you have one.
I want to criticize a little about the Pokemon costumes provided by the developer. I know this is still an experimental stage, I also know that in the original Pokemon series, Pokemon itself does not have flashy customization, but please, the price of the costumes offered is very unbalanced. Just adding a few attributes such as clothes or hats, the price of some Pokemon costumes in this game is quite high!
For example, like my Pokemon costume. The price is up to 2000++ crystals. And what do you get? Only the addition of attributes in the form of clothing.
Luckily the developer is very sensitive by giving "free cash" to players who try this game. At least we can all experience a very full playing experience including accessing items that can only be obtained by Top Up.
5) Battle Preparation
This is the general view before the game starts.
Battle items are special effect items that you can choose and only one in one match. Some of them can increase attack damage, Pokemon speed, Shield, remove negative effects, flicker and others.
You can choose "Held Item", which is an aid item that can increase the status of your Pokemon's attributes such as adding HP, attack, critical, defense and others.
This section is called the "Move Set".
You can see the skills of the Pokemon you choose and you can choose between two skills that you want to use in battle. You can choose this skill after Pokemon level up a certain level in the arena. Skill 1 and skill 2 have 2 types to choose from and Ultimate Skill is still only one and has no choice
Path Settings/Recommended.
I don't need to explain about this, right?
There are three lanes in this game and each type of Pokemon has its own recommended lane.
6) Battle Arena & Combat Mechanism
When entering the match arena, you will be faced with choosing skill 1 or skill 2 the first stage that you want to use.
If you are aware of the details of this game network, if you experience network problems (Lagging) during the loading screen, then when you enter the battle arena, you can see that other players can move forward ahead of you. Your own fault why your network is bad ಠ_ಠ
[b]If you are using a Pokemon that needs growth, then at level 1 you will start with a child type Pokemon
Towards infinity and beyond! ( /^ω^)/♪♪
... and I got lag, ha ha ha! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻
This is a display when you have internet network problems. As your network tries to get back into the game, your Pokemon will fight in AFK mode along with other Pokemon nearby.
At level 6 your Pokemon will transform into Teen Pokemon.
In the picture above you can see a fruit near my Pokemon. This is a fruit to increase your Pokemon's HP. Once taken, the fruit may take some time to reappear. This fruit will not appear if your "Goals Zone" is destroyed.
At level 8 your Pokemon will transform back for the last time into adult Pokemon until the game ends.
Talking about "Goals Zone", you will see the Points/Points amount from "Goals Zone". Each of them has a different number. The farther back, the greater the number. This point is the maximum number. If you make 80 Points (for example) in the first "Goals Zone" the area will be destroyed.[b][u]
Pokemon display scores on "Goals Zone"
There will be a panel in front of your "spawn area". This is useful for speeding you up to get to the lane you want. You can determine the landing point which is divided into 3 lanes and 2 landing points.
7) Post-match Display
Nothing special, here only shows who is the most influential player in the battle that just ended along with medals such as the best attacker, best support and others.
Maybe this is all I can write about and once again if this really violates, please delete it but I also ask to delete other posts that violate the rules. My post is a gaming experience, an explanation of the game mechanics and some of the details, while other posts are just gameplay that might even be useless.
I'm writing this as best as I can and because many share it, I'm also participating but not only sharing. I attach information that might be useful, also a feedback for developer.
I hope that the developer can solve the lag problem that occurs in the game. I know this is Global Test Canada, but wouldn't it be great if it wasn't just Canada that could have the best gaming experience?
Keep in Touch with me!
You can follow me on TapTap and Instagram : @hulwah22_
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wow thank you for your nice review!
ᴅᴏʀᴀᴇᴍᴏɴ ✓
ᴅᴏʀᴀᴇᴍᴏɴ ✓
thank you! ^.^
Ritesh Kale
Ritesh Kale
Game kab lonch hoge
Zola Zofa
Zola Zofa
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