Spellbook Demonslayers on Steam - Enemy Spawn Change & New Permanent Upgrades
Permanent Upgrade: Expulsion

The Expel mechanic changes how you interact with demon spawns. Instead of taking a hit because a demon spawned too close to you, now you will be rewarded with bonus experience.

You can now earn greater rewards using the Ultimatum system. Increasing the Ultimatum amount at a Corrupted Shrine will Spawn another shrine with increased rewards and difficulty, but enemy damage is permanently multiplied by +7% and yours by -7%.
Illegal Spell Selection

You can now choose what spell you want to replace when taking an Illegal Spell at the Smuggler's Shrine.
Treasure Upgrade Auto-Confirm

You can now enable an option that automatically skips treasure chest upgrade interfaces. A notification will be shown below your spells instead.
Rampage is a new effect that grants +1.3% damage and +0.7% Movement Speed per stack (Max: 100). Drains rapidly if you haven't gained any Rampage recently.
More details here:

Spellbook Demonslayers - NEW Features & BIG Balance Changes! [July 17] - Steam News
Posted on 07/21/20233.2K Views

Jung Mickey08/01/2023
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