why i rate 3 stare because:
I hope the developer sees these options if he is interested in my personal opinion as a player...
First ... you must adjust the movement of enemies when they appear. Second... Placing obstacles that can be hidden behind when enemies appear. Third .... Try as much as possible in hunting missions to have the movement of bullets attached to the gunpowder line, meaning the movement drawings of the weapon must be adjusted according to me. The movement now is by 30%, it must at least reach 50% .. Fourth. The food and energy situation, so I don't mind going to the pub every time I go on a mission... Fifth... Why is the weapon lost in case of losing against the leaders? Developer this is kinda bad for me as a player after I spent 1900 for a good gun I lose it just because the boss fight doesn't seem 50% understandable
There is more in my head to talk about but the game could be better and don't worry I liked the game well I as a player I don't have money to buy a powerful game console to play games like rd2 You made me happy with this game Please don't take my words badly I will play this game as much as possible until I find It's the best of the best...thanks for reading
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PeriDo Gaming
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