This game is not for the feint of heart. Extremely grindy for free players to the point that makes you dont want to play anymore, while paying one can get tons of stuff.
That bussiness plan is not necessarily a bad thing because the game itself in general is guite good. Lots of cool looking armor, skin and mounts but not many of them is free and grinding for free player is almost impossible, so i guess its fair. But the combat lacks something that I am not sure what it is. Also I wish there was setting to adjuat button location for mobile, those button is too small and placed way to the edge makes my hands hurt after playing for just a few minutes
Posted on 07/19/2024199 Views



this isn't true at all, lvl 78 warrior and other than bah and vault space the only thing to buy are cosmetics and mounts IF YOU WANT otherwise you can get mounts. yes it's grindy but it's a very good mobile MMO
thats basically what I said dude
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