Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS
Скриншот игры iDOS


Chaoji Li
БольшеPlay original dos games on your iPhone/iPad! Features: - PC compatible soft keyboard - Mouse/Virtual Gamepad&Joystick - Screen mode: Portrait/Landscape(Fullscreen) - You can force 4:3 screen aspect ratio - Customizable floating gamepad for fullscreen mode. Freewares included in this version: Wolf3d, Duke I/II, Major Striker, SuperNova, Kingdom of Kroz II, which are owned by 3D Realms(Apogee Software, Ltd.) This app requires iphone 3GS or above to run smoothly. Note: - Please don't enter "exit" in command line - Tap the left top corner when you're in DOS to go back to collection Open Source: 🔗link

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