Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Скриншот игры Mining : The Legends of Gems
Mining : The Legends of Gems

Mining : The Legends of Gems

БольшеMining: The Legends of Gems is the latest mining game for you to enjoy. You can download in from Play Store for free. Mining: The Legends of Gems is easy to pick up but hard to master. This addicting game will surely keep you in the game for hours. If you like mining, gems and diamonds you will surely enjoy this Mining: The Legends of Gems game. One of the features in this Mining: The Legends of Gems is gemstones, particularly diamond, or more specifically, blue diamond. Blue diamond is a type of diamond which exhibits all of the same inherent properties of the mineral except with the additional element of blue color in the stone. They are colored blue by trace amounts of boron that contaminate the crystalline lattice structure. Blue diamonds belong to a subcategory of diamonds called fancy color diamonds, the generic name for diamonds that exhibit intense color. The same four basic parameters that govern the grading of all gemstones are used to grade blue diamonds–the four Cs of Connoisseurship: color, clarity, cut and carat weight. Color is considered the absolute most important criterion in grading a blue diamond and determining its value. However, the most valuable of blue diamonds also exhibit the highest clarity grades. There is no known blue diamond with a completely flawless (F) clarity grading, although several are known which are graded Internally Flawless (IF). One of the earliest mentioned blue diamonds is the Hope Diamond, a 45.52 carat fancy dark grayish-blue which is believed to have been discovered in India but whose first recorded presence was in 1666 by French gem merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, after whom it was called the Tavernier Blue. In gemology, color is divided into three components: hue, saturation and tone. Blue diamonds occur in hues ranging from green-blue to gray-blue, with the primary hue necessarily being blue. Green and gray are the normal secondary hues that can be found in blue diamonds. Blue diamonds are considered most beautiful and valuable when there is no secondary color present but rather are a pure blue color. However, a pure blue diamond of light color may be considered less valuable than a green-blue or gray-blue diamond whose color is more vivid. The characteristic of color is very complex in blue diamonds for this reason. As with all diamonds, the loupe standard is used to grade clarity. This means that the inclusions are judged based on the appearance of the diamond under 10x magnification, and not how it would appear to the naked eye. Unlike in colorless diamonds, the clarity in blue diamonds has little effect on the diamond’s value. The exception is when there is an especially high clarity on a very vividly colored diamond. The earliest recorded blue diamond, the Hope Diamond, was discovered in India, in the Kollur mine in the Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, in the seventeenth century. However, blue diamonds have also been discovered in the Cullinan Mine in South Africa and the Golconda region. A few blue diamonds have been discovered in the Argyle Mine in Western Australia as well, and are offered at their annual Argyle Tender when they are found. It is thought that blue diamonds, unlike most other diamonds, are formed in the lower part of Earth’s mantle, and that the boron creating their blue color originates from serpentinite carried down to the mantle by subducting ocean tectonic plates. Having read the above, you should know quite substantial information about blue diamond already. So, what are you waiting for? Be one of the mining legends now. Wait no more, download Mining: The Legends of Gems now!

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