Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Скриншот игры Balloony Run
Balloony Run

Balloony Run

Catalina Calderon
БольшеBalloony is an infinite scrolling 2D game filled with obstacles along the journey. As a helium Balloon, you naturally float UP. Simply tap on the screen in order to tug yourself down. Your goal is to go as far as you can without getting popped by the darts as they come. To dodge them tug yourself down by tapping on the screen or you can use the boost. The boost is the green arrow towards the bottom of the screen which will pull you down much further. Have fun playing!

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