Скриншот игры Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Скриншот игры Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Скриншот игры Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Скриншот игры Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Скриншот игры Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Скриншот игры Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Eating Simulator: Physics Food

Eating Simulator: Physics Food

БольшеDrag foods to feed! There are some delicious foods. ## What is character like? A baby wanna drink milk. A sick man who wants medicine. A man who has a bad stomachache. Besides, there are frog, rabbit, bird, dog, lion, and so on. ## Various stages! Drag food into the stomachache or through inside the body to carry out to the body. In some stage, you need to feed three foods.

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Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Eating Simulator: Physics Food
Great and funny
Ruben Miguel Briones
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