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Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
Скриншот игры First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator
First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator

First Person Tennis - The Real Tennis Simulator

Mic Laurello
БольшеFirst Person Tennis™- The Real Tennis Simulator is a tennis simulation game. Compete against 50 real players in 13 stadiums around the world. Warm up your finger and experience hours of game play through different modes, shots and courts. Try 3 different camera angles and a first person perspective for a realism ever seen. Features: CHOOSE YOUR SHOT Unleash top spins, slice shots, lobs and drop shots through different touch gestures FEEL THE BOUNCE Adjust your shot in different stadiums and environments as you compete on clay, grass, hard or indoor courts. BE A CHAMPION Pick one of 50 real players to compete through full seasons of competition around the world. Win matches to rise in ranking and reach the World Tour Final. EYES ON YOU Listen to a real time english TV commentary. This game is available on Steam for PC/VR (HTC Vive and Oculus Rift). For any suggestion contact us at: [email protected] Your suggestions will be soon applied. Help us to reach a really incredible realism!

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