Star Wars™ Dice

Star Wars™ Dice

Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc
БольшеLaunch your Star Wars (TM) gaming experience into hyperdrive! The Star Wars Dice app is the ultimate accessory for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars games, supporting Star Wars: Armada, Star Wars: Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Legion, Star Wars: Rebellion, the X-Wing (TM) Miniatures Game, and all iterations of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. This comprehensive application allows you to quickly and conveniently select and roll custom dice for FFG’s Star Wars games, create custom presets, and more. Includes: •Physics-based dice roller for each of FFG's Star Wars game lines. •Over 20 custom background images •Choose between 1.0 and 2.0 interface styles •Adjustable shake sensitivity •Trace-selection

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