เพิ่มเติม《墨斗》(曾用名:鬼斗)是一款纯粹的格斗手游,水墨画风和西游英雄的结合,欢迎格斗爱好者们前来切磋! 首先要友情提示一下,这个游戏非常考验操作,新手教程也不是太友好,总之前期感受会非常虐! 但请相信熬过前期的训练,一招一式泯然于心,格斗的魅力才真正的散发出来。所以十分考验大家的耐心和毅力! 如果你是格斗老鸟,来吧,这里是最纯粹的格斗之地! ◆◆◆◆游戏特色◆◆◆◆ ◆ 水墨西游主题,东方韵味与纯正格斗的独特融合 ◆ 无数值养成,几十种连招,生死输赢全凭本事 ◆ 12个西游英雄,超丰富的格斗招式 ◆ 每个角色多样造型,炫出与众不同
My first experience was years ago, I haven't into fighting game so wasn't bothering to play much of it. The netcode is bad and lacking support languages like not even English
The have beautiful art direction and great characters design, the game mechanics don't have depth but have great combos potential
I'm writing this just right after trying it again and all the server is down. Such a shame
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