【Character】Like Dawn, Dashing; Like Frost, Flawless - Chongyun

▌Frozen Ardor · Chongyun
Like Dawn, Dashing; Like Frost, Flawless
Want to see a different side of Chongyun? Find a way to get him into a hot spring, and you'll see!" — Wise words from Young Master Xingqiu, who enjoys playing pranks on his friend.
♦ Frozen Ardor
♦ Banisher of evil and rumors thereof
Vision: Cryo
Constellation: Nubis Caesor
An exorcist who roams the land with Liyue as his base of operations, evil spirits fleeing wherever he goes. As the heir to a clan of exorcists, he has always possessed abilities superior to most. However, these abilities are not the result of training, but of an inborn trait - congenital positivity.
To counteract this congenital positivity, Chongyun has several disciplines that he practices. He does not go out in the sun or wear thick clothes, and he abstains from hot beverages and hot and spicy food. He takes up no quarrels, and he indulges no tempers. Yet despite searching high and low, and far and wide, he has been unable to find a lasting solution to his condition.
This troubled the young exorcist. The evil spirits were expelled, yes, but if things kept going like this, how would he ever prove himself to be a qualified exorcist?
As he sits atop an ice-capped mountain chewing on a snow bun, Chongyun cannot help but sigh. The road ahead is still long indeed.
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