Super Sus Role Guide: Sheriff

First of all, Sheriffcan be seen as a powerful clergy from the perspective of skills, which in fact is true. Sheriff is the most powerful of the clergy and the only one that can give pressure on the Impostors and the Neutral from the meeting. That's why their skills are also very demanding, “either you die or I die”, so the most important thing to play the sheriff is to identify the identity of other factions.
SkillCD, At the beginning of the game, Sheriff’s CD is 10s. If you can hit one at the beginning, then you can basically determine the victory of the good guy, but using the skill in the first round pose a great risk. If you got it wrong then the good person that you hit will be suspected instead, so when there is no doctor and you are unsure if he is from another faction or not, try not to use the skill.
Asmentioned above, the main role that supposed to be in cooperation with Sheriff is the Doctor, and secondly is Seer. At the first meeting let Doctor follow you. The benefits are very high, and can completely eliminate all suspects.
Of course, Sheriff cannot only just rely on skills. The most important thing is to remember who is following whom and who did the self-certification task to determine who is a good person, and remember, suppose you see someone clinging together You can go in the direction they are going in a while. If there are corpses, they may be both imposters.
Things Sheriff mustdo at beginning of the game, is to be clear about what is clergy and what is Impostor, for example if there is engineer then you can’t determine who to stab just be seeing someone jumping the pipe, or if there is Seer and Arsonist and you choose to hit people who is following other. They can only be considered as suspect target, and the most safety methods is to wait for meeting and ask clearly of their role, then choose the next step.
Since Sheriff is very threatening to impostor try not to flip your identity in the first round of the meeting, unless you successfully hit people in your first round, or if you saw some threats, then you can flip your Role and make Spacecrew believe in you, or for some special reason, otherwise Sheriff should not choose to flip Role in first round. Hide it.
The choice for Sheriff to attack determined from if they’re impostor or neutral. In case where there is no Engineer and someone climbing Vent, suddenly show himself in front of you, then this person most probably be Chameleon, one who changes color in front of you will be Spy, or someone of whose Role you
cannot tell but seen that one or two person grouping, then at that time you can choose to attack back. In this condition high probability that it’s a grouping Impostor or solo Impostor.
As strong person in Spacecre, you can’t be run with the rhythm by others, clarify your own thinking, otherwise, once you are led astray, you will lose. Not due to others, but just because you are the Sheriff, you have to drive Spacecrew. It’s very demanding to play the Sheriff well.
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Jimmie Corbett
Jimmie Corbett
game is awesome
Aiden Ramos
Aiden Ramos
this copycat on Roblox murder mystery
can you put this game on pc so i can play this game in pc without emulator because emulator is suck so fucking lagging even my pc is high spec
Mala Apriana
Mala Apriana
Ni bang tolong ini kenapa
albert kusuma
albert kusuma
So Impostor vs Sheriff who is the fastest? Because i'm losing duel with Impostor 2 Times.
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