更多在自己的餐廳製作美味餐點與甜點,並在這款令人上癮的時間管理遊戲中發掘來自世界各地的不同料理!👩🍳 擁有豐富的獨特地點與餐廳,從甜點🍰到令人垂涎三尺的漢堡🍔,,從中式料理🥢到印度料理🍛,你會在各式各樣的廚房中練習你的烹飪技巧,並學習來自世界各地的獨特備料技術!🌎 解鎖數百種美味食譜,在自己的餐廳準備並端出這些料理。🍳嘗試所有種類的廚房用具,從咖啡機、電鍋到披薩烤箱與爆米花機。 裝飾餐廳來吸引更多顧客。端出屬於你的免費點心,像是餅乾🍪或杯子蛋糕🧁,讓顧客有更具有個性的難忘體驗,就像在現實生活中一樣!升級廚房,讓你能準備更多種類的料理!😍 對了,我們有提到這款遊戲會讓人著迷狂熱到像發燒一樣嗎?享受烹飪的樂趣,別忘了在 Facebook 上和朋友分享你的美味餐點!🤗 令人興奮的功能包括: 🍔 來自世界各國的數千種美味料理! 🌮 種類繁多的世界著名料理! 🤩 提供超過1,000個關卡! 🖼️ 數百種廚房用具和室內擺設升級項目! 🏆 可參與並贏得勝利的錦標賽與挑戰! 追蹤我們,獲得最新消息及參與贈獎活動! 👍🏻 追蹤Facebook! 🔗link 👍🏽 追蹤Twitter! 🔗link 👍🏾 追蹤Instagram! 🔗link 👍🏿 追蹤YouTube! 🔗link 遊戲遇到問題了嗎?有任何疑問或想法嗎?🤔 💌 請在此聯絡我們! 🔗link 📒 隱私權政策 / 條款與條件 🔗link ❗ 重要事項: 烹飪發燒友需有網路連線才能遊玩。遊戲使用少量用量來提供像是每日獎勵、還原失去的遊戲進度、錦標賽、挑戰,以及其他遊戲改進等功能。
My so-called "review" of this game. And love and hate relationship with this particular piece of digital product
GAMEPLAY: The gameplay is simple. You are a cook/chef at a restaurant cooking things for your customers, and you have to do it as fast and as efficiently as possible so your customers won't get angry and leave.
Almost all restaurants have their own unique mechanics, and all have 40 levels on each of them.
My favorite game that has actual goals to reach. I never put money into the game. There is a mini game you can win gems to help with upgrades and ads if you want to get extra coins, but are not required to play. It's definitely challenging. I do dislike how some upgrades won't help you at all get three stars on some levels though. So, there is a requirement for certain upgrades to win a level with 3 stars...but you won't know until you keep upgrading everything.
My favorite game