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Halloween Nightmare 的影片截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare 遊戲截圖
Halloween Nightmare

Halloween Nightmare

更多After the overwhelming sound of thunder, and an episode of memory, would you chase the figure into the hallway, almost get killed when a lamp fell off the ceiling and later on find that your worst decision, as it lead you to your worst nightmare, the one that you may not ever wake up form. A dark platform game featuring: - a weird looking guy chasing his memory - challenging traps and puzzles - NOT a Limbo clone - a cupid (NOT a Valentine game) - a BOMB (NOT a nuclear one) - a spider (are you scared of spiders?) and a hell lot of pushing, running and jumping. Seriously, it's just like midnight exercises, well, with spiders. And you don't even have to use your legs for all that exercises at all, just swipe on the screen. Keywords: halloween, nightmare, halloween nightmare.





Horror videogames

Horror videogames

💜 Queen Purrloin 🐆