射箭大師 3D - Archery Master
更多瞄準,射擊靶心!快來在安卓平台上最逼真的3D射箭遊戲中大顯身手吧! 射箭大師3D以精美的画面和逼真的模拟射箭场景呈现给射箭爱好者最真实的射箭体验。想要快速地从一个菜鸟成长为真正的射箭大师,与奥运冠军一决高下吗?快来挑战上百个精心设计的关卡吧,其中还包括各种各样的奖励关卡哦!冷静、放松、深呼吸、瞄准然后用你手中的箭射击靶心吧! 遊戲特性: - 4個精美場景:松樹林,射箭比賽場,死亡沙漠和熱帶雨林 - 精緻逼真的畫面和3D動畫 - 20種精心設計的射箭道具 - 100 +的關卡等你挑戰 - 和奧運冠軍進行一對一對戰 - 多種玩法:闖關模式和挑戰模式 --- The World's #1 Archery game is now on mobile! Archery Master 3D is the hottest and most realistic archery simulation game for you. Archery Master delivers ultra realistic archery experience that features stunning 3D graphics, amazing animations and simple intuitive controls. Shoot arrows at targets generally set at various distance to earn coins for new bows, arrows and upgrades. Get ready for the intense challenges from Olympic Archery champions. Take a breath, aim the target, and shoot the arrow and hit the bull's eye now! Will you be the best archer or bowman? Game Features: - 4 picturesque locations: Pine Forest, Archery Field, Deadly Desert and Rain Forest - Polished animation and realistic 3D graphics - 20+ elaborate designed archery equipment - 100+ addictive levels in normal mode - Compete 1-on-1 with real players all over the world in online mode