Liu Xiang
更多【魔性搞笑 腦洞大開】 搞笑功夫,魔性點擊,榴蓮、尖叫雞、鹹魚、大閘蟹……沒有想不到,只有劈不動,快來探索各種腦洞大開的練功道具吧! 【自創武學 力劈華山】 自創武學,千變萬化,大刮痧掌、鐵額頭功、龍卷風腿……隨心所欲,極致煉體,終成人間兵器,掌劈華山。 【光複武館 策略經營】 原創劇情,嬉笑江湖,成爲武館館主,奪回被搶走的牌匾,廣收弟子,光複武館。" 《劈山大師》是壹款模擬功夫修煉的休閑放置遊戲!妳將扮演壹名功夫大師,摧毀各種神奇的道具,鍛煉身體各個部位,成爲人間兵器,劈開華山!期間妳還能開設武館,自創絕學,招收弟子,延續傳承,成爲聞名天下的劈山大師!
From my point of view, don’t recommend downloading. Although the cartoonish graphics looks cool, the game actually monotonous.
In essence, it is an idle game. After you click the screen constantly, you would crush the bricks, then get stronger, and finally, become a martial arts master.
It's easy to be attracted by the pretty good graphics and have high expectations of it. But the gameplay is so boring.