跑跑卡丁車 - Kart Racer 3D
Mouse Games
更多賽車島是一個以賽車為樂的小島,但是這靜謐安和的小島正籠罩在商人Shylock的邪惡計劃中,他矇騙了村民企圖將小島佔為己有。幫助小島擺脫邪惡商人的控制,拯救被商人迷惑的島民,讓小島重現快樂和光明! 在風景秀麗的賽車島上與小伙伴們一起比賽,獲得沙灘島、車車鎮、綠色森林、聖誕雪山和幽靈山脊每個區域的冠軍。釋放導彈、章魚發射器等道具讓比賽歡樂升級,通過計時賽、金幣賽、挑戰賽來磨練自己的技術,利用零件提高車的性能來玩轉賽場。不斷的獲得冠軍、招攬夥伴,一起奪回小島、粉碎邪惡商人的計劃! 遊戲特性: - 6個不同風格的角色 - 5大精美細緻的場景、14條充滿挑戰的賽道 - 豐富爽快的道具比賽 - 易於上手難於精通的操作 --- A glistening quarter-mile of rain-soaked pavement of the tropical island lies before you. Will you drift, draft or smash your way to the finish line? Kart Racer delivers a deep and realistic open wheel motorsport. Launch yourself between chaos and control as you hit the loud pedal and roll into tropical karting traffic. Cool power-ups like exploding missiles, shields, octopus and other hazards help you slash other riders and race them to the victory. Conquer street and sky in the hottest tropical beach car racing game now! Game Features: - Easy to learn and drive - 5 detailed environments with 14+ challenging tracks - Stunning 3D visuals and real motor sounds