Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司)
更多《瘟疫公司》是一個非常真實的策略模擬類游戲。 您的病原體剛剛感染了“零號病人”。現在您必須適應這個世界,不停改進病原體的傳染力和抵抗力,以便應對人類的反擊措施,最終進化成一個全球性的恐怖瘟疫。這是您和全世界的競爭- 唯有強者才能生存! 《瘟疫公司》的創辦人更曾獲美國疾病控制預防中心邀請出席在亞特蘭大舉辦的座談會,來分享遊戲內的疾病模型! ◈◈◈ 遊戲特點: ● 使用超強人工智能技術設計,以更細緻、更真實地模擬現實世界。 ● 完整的遊戲功能說明與幫助內容 ● 12種病原體,毀滅世界的策略各有不同! ● 完整的保存/載入遊戲功能 ● 超過50個國家,上百種性狀和上千種世界事件等您去發掘。 ● 完全支持成就係統和排行榜。 ● 您能拯救世界嗎?執掌大權並全力遏止全球致命流行病。嘗試在《瘟疫公司》迄今最大規模更新中調配資源以加強檢測,推廣口罩,封鎖區域或研發疫苗! 請在Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司) 的Facebook上贊好! 🔗link 歡迎您關注我們的Twitter
Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司)
Plague Inc. Mobile Review:
Overall Worth Trying✅
👍 Pros:
- **Innovative Concept:** Plague Inc. offers a unique and intriguing concept where players create and evolve a pathogen with the goal of wiping out humanity. The game's premise is both original and thought-provoking.
- **Strategic Depth:** The game requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Players must balance infectivity, severity, and lethality to successfully spread their disease without being eradicated too quickly by a cure.
Plague Inc. (瘟疫公司)
👍 Pros: I like everything about this game, the game consists of creating a game and giving a name to your virus (there are many types of viruses) and expanding it throughout the world, also you can buy some skills to spread it better and infect more people, but people will look for a cure to fight the virus.
🎨 Graphics: The graphics of plague.Inc. are very beautiful.