首頁>遊戲>Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
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Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries 遊戲截圖
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries

更多《Hello Neighbor: Nicky’s Diaries》是專為手機設備全新打造的終極《Hello Neighbor》遊戲。有人稱他為殺人兇手,並把綁架的孩子們關在地下室……你所知道的只是,他是你的鄰居,而揭開他的祕密,則全憑你手。《Nicky’s Diaries》帶你深入 Nicky 的探索之旅,一探 Mr. Peterson 所隱藏的一切。 等待你的,是一連串的謎題挑戰。 要揭開 Nicky 過去的祕密,你得解開錯綜複雜的謎題,並巧妙利用四處隱藏的物品。悄悄繞過監視攝影機,使門邊的動態感應器失效,並靈活運用各種手邊工具。 武裝自己。 使用跳躍靴達到更高的視角,透過 X 光眼鏡找出鄰居並避開他,使用 EMP 手榴彈來解除陷阱,當然,沒有扔出膠水壺的《Neighbor》遊戲就不完整! 鼓起勇氣,前往地下室。 當你站在地下室的門前,記得深吸一口氣,因為那裡藏有的祕密,遠比你想像的還要多……


82 個評分
player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示player 的圖示


  • 🎮️ 遊戲玩法非常新穎,讓人耳目一新。
  • 🎶️ 音樂和氛圍令人放鬆,遊戲體驗非常愉悅。
  • 😕️ 遊戲內容過短,讓人感到意猶未盡。



I love this game. the vibe it gives, the music, which is a very important thing in this game, everything is incredible, but for me, the vibe it gives is very relaxing, and it gives me a strange feeling, but it relaxes me a lot.
Antony Miguel
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
Gameplay is pretty different so you can enjoy something new here. Graphics would benefit from polish but the important is here : if you have some time, the gameplay is fun and quite new compared to other games, always the same. I wish there were more games in this genre but this one is a cool entry point

Original and enjoyable!

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🔥 | 2024 | 🔍19 Best NEW Mobile Games of January 2024! - (Android/iOS)

Hello Neighbour Nick's Diaries - walkthrough Gameplay Android/iso part -1

Hello Neighbour Nick's Diaries - walkthrough Gameplay Android/iso part -1

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
The graphics and gameplay mechanics of Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries are designed specifically for mobile devices, providing an engaging and interactive experience. Players must navigate through the Neighbor's house, solving puzzles and uncovering secrets while avoiding detection The game also features a dynamic AI system, making the Neighbor's behavior unpredictable and adding to the suspense and challenge of the gameplay.

(GAMEPLAY) Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries
The game is set in Raven Brooks, where Nicky writes diary entries during his time there. These entries provide insight into his experiences and the mysteries he encounters Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience, allowing players to piece together the mysteries from Nicky's childhood.

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries Gameplay

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries Gameplay (Android,iOS) - Part 5

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries Gameplay (Android,iOS) - Part 5

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries Gameplay | Walkthrough (Android, iOS) #2

Hello Neighbor Nicky's Diaries Gameplay | Walkthrough (Android, iOS) #2



Hello Neighbor: Nicky's Diaries - Is it Worth Checking Out?

Hello Neighbor: Nicky's Diaries - Is it Worth Checking Out?

Chaotic Inc.