更多歡慶王國紀元九週年,可口可樂邀你一起征戰異世界,更有酷炫城堡外觀、裝飾物、頭像等聯動好禮限時兌換。 這是一款真正的戰爭遊戲! 真王已死,作為聖盃騎士的最後血脈,你可以招募奇幻大陸上的矮人、獸人、黑暗精靈以及其他魔幻英雄加入你的王國,打造自己的強大軍隊,投入全球的史詩戰爭,最終擊潰所有敵人,成為世界之王、重返榮耀! 【遊戲特色】 ▶▶ 聯盟遠征 群雄逐鹿 ◀◀ 大型GVG多聯盟分庭對抗,聖地不死兵特色玩法,讓您開拓疆土而無後顧之憂!集結一盟之力合縱連橫、遠交近攻,真正的戰場值得您放手一搏! ▶▶ 文物降臨 戰火再起 ◀◀ 全新文物系統,神威降臨艾娜希大陸,王國正式成立文物廳,快與盟友們一同踏上冒險淘金之旅,收集覺醒各式上古文物,擁有更強大的力量,再掀大帝戰火風雲! ▶▶ 建設您的 專屬王國 ◀◀ 升級建築、建造城牆、研究科技、訓練軍隊、磨練英雄、採糧挖礦,王國只有在您的光輝領導下才能日益強盛,傲視群雄! ▶▶ 兵種陣型 運籌帷幄 ◀◀ 四大兵種、六大陣型靈活百搭,彼此相生相剋、轉守為攻,戰場瞬息萬變!如能做到知己知彼,策略明確,正確的陣型完美配合英雄的高級軍團技能,必能以弱勝強,百戰不殆! ▶▶ 副本秘境 英雄募集 ◀◀ 在秘境冒險中打造您最強的英雄戰隊, 在單人關卡中他們是各懷絕技的五人戰隊,一旦進入軍團戰場就變成身先士卒的超級大將,左右戰爭的成敗! ▶▶ 聯盟群聚 集結禦敵 ◀◀ 馬上加入最強聯盟,盟友們在等您一起參與策略遊戲史上最多、最豐富的戰役玩法:聯盟戰、王國戰、奇觀爭奪戰、黑暗巢穴討伐戰、世界王座戰,偉大歷史車輪將為您們而轉動。 ▶▶ 全球菁英 線上競技 ◀◀ 與來自全球億萬戰爭指揮官一決天下,享受戰爭遊戲所帶來的極致火拚快感,擊敗一切阻擾您拓展鴻圖的對手,帶領您的王國踏上世界頂級榮耀之路! ▶▶ 完整戰況 真實重現 ◀◀ 本遊戲為戰爭策略遊戲,由全3D模式完美打造緊張又刺激的熱血戰況,風火雷電,英雄專屬魔法戰鬥技能展示暢快淋漓!圍城、進攻、防守及出擊等大型戰鬥細節絲絲入扣,刀刀到肉! 官方Facebook:🔗link 官方Instagram: 🔗link 客服信箱:[email protected] ===相關資訊=== 台灣代理商 : 幻想娛樂科技股份有限公司 *本軟體依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級,內容涉及暴力(人物打鬥)、性(遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾)、不當言語。 *本遊戲為免費下載,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。 *請注意使用時間,避免沉迷於遊戲。
One of the best strategy games I have played on mobile, but it has drawbacks, the first of which is that if you want to become stronger in a short period of time, you have to pay. I also hope to add a microphone to facilitate communication between players, as well as the feature of rain and snow and the ability to change the leader’s image from outside the game, i.e. from my photo gallery. If these suggestions are added, the game will improve.
This is my go to game to get away from the real world. I am pay to play and I think it is totally worth the money I spend on it. Cut out fancy coffee and you will be amazed at how much more money you have for gaming. As always, Shield or Burn and remember, might comes and goes but Kills are Forever. - Falmier
Take on players from all over the world in this epic real-time strategy game!
Lords Mobile collaborates with THE KING OF FIGHTERS XV! Conquer kingdoms with Kyo Kusanagi and Mai Shiranui to earn Skins, emojis, avatars and more.
Are you ready to fight ALL-OUT?
The true emperor has fallen. We need a true Hero, a true Ruler who can unite the Kingdom. Recruit Heroes from various backgrounds, from dwarves and mermaids to dark elves and steampunk robots, gather your army in this magical world! Battle and conquer to build your empire in this strategy game!