美服Crescent Moon Games
更多《Morphite》是研發 Crescent Moon 與 We’re Five Games 聯合研發的一款行星冒險手遊。 Morphite的故事發生在遙遠的未來,人類早已離開地球,居住在其他星球。 除了主要的故事情節,morphite世界是隨機生成的。你將會遇到各種生物、風景、洞穴、河流、大型太空站等等。
I'll be honest, this game is to be thrown away...
I know; it seems difficult to listen to me, especially for the playing time, but trust me, in these few minutes I have already fully understood the type of game. And I say this NOT because you have to pay for the complete story and then continue your adventure, but for many other factors. I don't know if this game is also available for PC, but the way it is structured makes it worthwhile.
Love the artwork and music ; gameplay is not that but the tutorials are trash doesn't really help the player.
Also the black screen problem is right there .
After playing sometimes I find it so much boring .Well I am expecting it's to be like Journey to the savage planet but I expect better from this game.
I hope they make this a little better