美服Bethesda Softworks LLC
更多** Google Play 2015年度最佳遊戲** 年度手機遊戲 - 2016年DICE獎 獲獎者2015金色搖桿最佳手持/手機遊戲 “可能是最好的免費遊戲” - 遊戲***吃 “可能是2015年E3最佳遊戲” - Gizmodo “Fallout Shelter容易上手,也容易上癮。” - GameZone 【給予希望】 創造一個光明的未來-在地底下! 將2000英尺深的岩石,挖掘成完美的避難場所。 【創造社區】 深入了解居民並引導他們找到理想的工作,看著他們蓬勃發展。為他們提供服裝、武器和訓練,以提高他們的能力。 【走向繁榮】 要使避難所順利運作,需要非常多人手。你可以建立無線電室來吸引新的居民,或者,在他們的個人生活中扮演紅娘,讓他們不斷繁衍、生生不息。 【探索廢棄物】 將居民送到地面探索和冒險。尋找新的盔甲和武器、獲得經驗,但是不要讓他們死! 【保護你的避難所】 後核生活極度危險,隨時會有不速之客來問候你,當然,內亂也是有可能發生的,時時警惕,時刻防備。 你在等什麼?開始建造你的避難所吧!
It's really nice, it doesn't have a clear story, and well just a building game and else, you can play it relaxed and else, you can spend time on things to improve and sometimes things can last for a few hours to upgrade, it's nice and else, and more on game, it's more to test your luck on gathering stuff outside the shelter.
This game is just perfect. No more buildings that take 3 days to build, or resource costs that increase exponentially, as in other games of the same type. The graphics are excellent, the story is interesting, the combat is fun, the customization is top-notch and seeing your character progress is just incredible, not to mention the absence of intrusive notifications (when you stop playing for a while, you get more) and the generosity of the developers who spoil us at every party. A huge bravo!